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Simulator Preview

Development of the client and server is done offline using the acosgames simulator. This simulates the environment used on


You will write javascript code in game-client for the frontend and authorative code in game-server which is run through a virtual machine.

Our examples use React and NodeJS respectively, with other frontend frameworks possible.

How it works

The game-client peforms an action from user input and the game-server updates the state based on the action. The state is saved in the Game State which is a JSON object. The simulator will synchronize the JSON between all connected clients and persist the game state for the next action.


It is recommended that your server code be deterministic. Meaning the same sequence of actions should always return the same result! If you need to randomize, we provide a global function that is deterministic.

Game Server

The server is responsible for building the game state that is automatically synchronized to all clients. Server script will be executed once for every action received.

There is a helper file used on the game-server side also called acosg.js. Its a wrapper to help simplify using the globals listed below.

See example usage in index.js and game.js which use the helper file to keep things organized.

Your server code will be run inside a JS virtual machine, and you will have access to the globals object.

//log a message, only available in simulator

//log an error, only available in simulator

//get the array of actions sent by users or system

//get the latest Game State JSON
// copy this to a variable and make changes directly to it;

//get the database JSON (optional)
// saved as 'database.json' in the game-server folder.
// This holds your static JSON, which is useful for trivia games

//when finished updating, call this to "commit" the state

//kill the game immediately

//if you detect a bad action, tell system you want it ignored.

Player actions

All player actions will contain metadata generated by the platform, that identify a user and more.

    "id": "manC6"
  "payload": {}


This is the ID of the game room. It's used mostly by the platform to target the correct room.


If there is a timer, this will be how much timeleft in milliseconds before timer hits zero. It's a convenience so you don't have to calculate yourself.

To convert to seconds divide by 1000.


Every time a new timer is set, the sequence is incremented by 1. This helps ensure actions are only processed for the correct sequences.

user > id

The user object holds the id of the user. This is a shortid that can be used inside the "players" object in the Game State.


The type must always be a string. This string value is provided by the client that you can process in your server code.


The payload can be any primitive (boolean, int, float, string), array, or object. It is best to keep these as simple as possible. Only your server code will look at this value.

System actions

These actions are triggered automatically by the server


Once the first player has joined the game, this action is triggered immediately. A timer of 20 seconds will be activated, and if it reaches zero, it will call a noshow action.

  "type": "pregame"


An internal action that notifies the platform the game failed to start because players never joined the room. The room will be killed immediately.

  "type": "noshow"


After all players have joined and have sent a ready action, the starting action will be triggered. Where a short 5 second timer will start, and when it reaches zero, will trigger the gamestart action.

  "type": "starting"


Triggered when the timer from the starting action reaches zero. Any timers that reach zero after this will trigger the skip action.

  "type": "gamestart"


Triggered when a timer reaches zero. You should handle this action to forfeit a player or do some other logic.

  "type": "skip"

Game Client

The client is responsible for displaying the game state that is forwarded to your game's front end. There is a helper file called acosg.js that listens for incoming state updates. Everytime there is an update, you will receive the full state. The TicTacToe example uses ReactJS, but any JS framework can be used, as long as you can receive updates and send actions by re-creating what the acosg.js file does.


Click here to view an example Game State from Tic Tac Toe.

local object

"local": {
    "name": "joe",
    "rank": 1,
    "score": 100,
    "id": "8CCkf",
    "ready": true,
    "type": "X"

The platform will automatically add the local player object which is identical to the players game state for the local player.

next object

 "next": { "id": "manC6" },

The next object shows which player id is allowed to make the next action. You should avoid sending if the local player is not in the id field.

When the id is '*', all players are allowed to submit an action.

time + latency

"timer": {
    "end": 1641441249109,
    "seconds": 10,
    "seq": 5
Timers are very important to keep games fast-paced.

In order to ensure that players with high latency (400+ms) can feel the same rush of putting in a move at 0.1 seconds, all clients automatically have the timer.end adjusted based on their latency to match server time.

You can use the seconds, which is the original time in seconds set by the server, to calculate a percentage of time left.

send action

Client's can send actions in the following format using the acosg.js send function:

send("pick", 3);

The first parameter is always a string, second parameter can be any primitive, array, or object type.

Game State

The Game State consists of several objects:

  "state": {},
  "players": {},
  "rules": {},
  "events": {},
  "timer": {},
  "next": {}


This is where you should keep all data that mutates on every action to modify the game board or environment.

hidden values

Inside the state object, you can create variables with _ underscore to make them private.

Example, that hides the deck from sending to clients:

  "state": {
    "_deck": ["AS", "AH", "3D"]


The gamestatus key is auto-generated by the platform and saved inside the state.

The possible values are:

  1. pregame
  2. starting
  3. gamestart
  4. gameover


  "state": {
    "gamestatus": "gamestart"

Game status is used internally by the platform with the timer to trigger the next gamestatus. Exception is when gamestatus="gamestart", the timers will cause a "skip" action, for the current player(s) who are next.


When players are added into the game, they are automatically added into the players object. All players have a shortid that references them inside the Acos databse.

  "players": {
    "ABCDEF": {
      "name": "JoeFacebook",
      "rank": 2,
      "score": 0,
      "ready": true
    "UVWXYZ": {
      "name": "JoeOfTexas",
      "rank": 2,
      "score": 0,
      "ready": true


Your client must trigger an action send('ready', true) when your client front-end is loaded. This is saved into the player's object, and let's the platform know when to trigger a gamestart event.

rank & score

rank is set by you to determine who is in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..., nth place for the room. On gameover, the system will update the global player ratings based on this value. Lower is better.

score is set by you to determine how many points the users have earned. This has no purpose unless rank is removed, where scores will then be used to calculate new player ratings. Higher is better.


name is the user's name that was setup when user first logged in.

hidden values

Inside the players object, you can create variables with _ underscore to make them private.

Example that hides the user's cards from sharing with other players:

  "player": {
    "ABCDEF": {
      "name": "JoeOfTexas",
      "rank": 1,
      "_cards": ["2S", "3S", "4S", "5S", "6S"]


Rules are not mandatory, but its a clean way to define the rules of your game. How many rounds, max players, min players. Ideally, these should be static and not change between actions, but you can if you want.

  "rules": {
    "maxplayers": 2,
    "minplayers": 2,
    "rounds": 3


Events are used to notify of a specific type of state change.

system defined events

  • pregame - when the first player joins the game
  • starting - when all players are ready (client front-ends are all loaded)
  • gamestart- after the starting countdown reaches zero

required gameover

You must trigger this event to end the game. The state with this event will be the final update for all clients.

  • gameover - notifies everyone the game ended and room will be closed immediately

custom events

You can create your own events by defining any key, here we used pick:

  "events": {
    "pick": {
      "user": "ABCDEF",
      "picked": 3

Or you could do even simpler:

  "events": {
    "pick": 3


The timer helps control the flow of the game. It is important that you always set a timer. Rooms will be destroyed if they do not complete within 1 hour.

To set a timer, make sure you commit the game state with this format:

  "timer": {
    "set": 15

The example above sets a timer for 15 seconds.

The platform will detect the seconds set, and create end and seconds values:

  "timer": {
    "end": 1641439171453,
    "seconds": 15,
    "seq": 5


end is the unix epoch time in milliseconds when the timer should reach zero.

On the client-side, end is adjusted for latency automatically, and can be used to calculate near perfect timeleft with the following:

let now = (new Date()).getTime();
let timeleft = timer.end - now;


seconds shows the original time in seconds set by the server, so you can calculate elapsed percentages as needed.


seq the current sequence, which is incremented for every new timer that is set.


The next object is used to tell the system who is allowed to send an action.

  "next": {
    "id": "*"

The only required key is the id key. The values can be either * or player's shortid, i.e. ABCDEF

Example Game State

    "room_slug": "RGTH7D",
    "local": {
        "name": "joe",
        "rank": 1,
        "score": 100,
        "id": "8CCkf",
        "ready": true,
        "type": "X"
    "state": {
        "gamestatus": "gamestart",
        "cells": {
            "0": "X",  "1": "O",  "2": "",
            "3": "X",  "4": "O",  "5": "",
            "6": "X",  "7": "",   "8": ""
        "sx": "8CCkf"
    "next": { "id": "manC6" },
    "events": {
        "picked": 6,
        "gameover": true
    "timer": {
        "end": 1641441249109,
        "seconds": 10,
        "seq": 5
    "players": {
        "8CCkf": {
            "name": "joe",
            "rank": 1,
            "score": 100,
            "id": "8CCkf",
            "ready": true,
            "type": "X"
        "manC6": {
            "name": "tim",
            "rank": 2,
            "score": 0,
            "ready": true,
            "type": "O"
    "rules": {}