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View Example

Your game-server code will mostly focus on updating state, players, and teams. Use the helper code to set the timer and events.

Your game-client code may only create an action, but will be able to read most of the Game State.

The Game State consists of several objects:

  "state": {},
  "players": {},
  "teams": {},
  "next": {},
  "events": {},
  "timer": {},
  "room": {}

Use left-navigation to read up on each object.

Example Game State (TicTacToe)

This example shows what the game state looks like in the middle of a Tic Tac Toe game. To see detailed information about each object, please navigate through the Game State objects in left navigation.

  "room": {
    "room_slug": "8HKDWM",
    "sequence": 8,
    "status": "gamestart",
    "starttime": 1672290602570,
    "endtime": 0,
    "updated": 1672290609197
  "state": {
    "cells": [
    "sx": "DjTS3"
  "next": {
    "id": "iobYl",
    "action": "pick"
  "events": {},
  "timer": {
    "end": 1672300609197,
    "seconds": 10000,
    "sequence": 5
  "players": {
    "iobYl": {
      "name": "Player2326",
      "rank": 0,
      "score": 0,
      "rating": 2636,
      "teamid": "team_o",
      "ready": true,
      "type": "X"
    "DjTS3": {
      "name": "Player7145",
      "rank": 0,
      "score": 0,
      "rating": 2364,
      "teamid": "team_x",
      "ready": true,
      "type": "O"
  "teams": {
    "team_o": {
      "name": "Team O",
      "color": "#a2abdd",
      "order": 0,
      "players": [
      "rank": 2,
      "score": 0
    "team_x": {
      "name": "Team X",
      "color": "#dd7575",
      "order": 1,
      "players": [
      "rank": 2,
      "score": 0