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Your server code in game-server folder is responsible for building the state that is automatically synchronized to all clients. Your script will be executed once for every action received.

Our game examples use a helper file in the game-server folder called acosg.js. Its a wrapper for the globals below to help simplify usage.

See example usage in index.js and game.js which use the helper file to keep things organized.


Only pure JavaScript code is allowed from npm packages. The server code will be bundled into a single for local development and server.bundle.js for production deployment.

How it works

Your server code will run inside vm2.

This prevents using code like async, await, eval, wasm, and many NodeJS standard packages like fs and request.

You are also limited to 100ms computation time for game-server code execution. This means that your game rooms will be killed if you exceed the 100ms limitation. Please take care to optimize as needed.

Only pure JavaScript code is allowed from npm packages. The server code will be bundled into a single for local development and server.bundle.js for production deployment.

In deployment, the bundle filename will be tagged automatically by ACOS with a version number. This allows the ACOS platform to let you choose a version number to make active on production. This also helps optimize caching on our servers.